Tuesday, September 29, 2009





1. Glenn Beck - Reformed boozer and Fox Tv host brands the President a racist

2. Larry Sinclair - Author claims he took drugs and had gay sex with Obama

3. Rep. Joe Wilson - South Carolina Republican called the Prez a liar on national tv

4. Sarah Palin - Former Alaska governor repeatedly attacks Obama's policies

5. Sean Hannity - Fox talker relentlessly rants against the White House

6. Orly Taitz - California attorney heads the "birther" movement, which claims Obama was born in Africa and his presidency is illegal

7. pat Boone - Calls Obama's policies socialist and is a birther too

8. Jon Voight - Angelina Jolie's actor father blasted Obama as "wildly radical" and
a false prophet"

9. Rush Limbaugh - Motor-mouth host told radio listeners, "I hope he (Obama) fails"

10. Ann Coulter - Conservative author compared Obama to Adolf Hitler, calling his memoir "a dimestore Mein Kampf"

11. Rupert Murdoch - Media Mogul brands the President's economic policies "dangerous" and the the right-wing Fox network

12. Jesse Jackson - Civil rights activist slammed Obama for saying black fathers should be more responsible for their children and muttered, "i want to rip his nuts off" on Fox tv

13. Dick Cheney - Former VP blasted Obama for probing CIA torture of prisoners and says he doubts the President can thwart terrorists

14. Bill O'Reilly - Fox News host attacked First Lady Michelle for "unpatriotic comments" and branded Obama a Socialist and Communist

15. Toby Keith - Country singer told Glenn Beck, "i think the black people would say he (Obama) dont really talk, act or carry himself as a black person"

16. Rex Rammell - GOP contender for Idaho's governorship said he'd buy a license to "hunt" Obama

17. Hank Williams Jr. - Country star described the national anthem as "that song that Mr. Obama's not real crazy about"

18. Steven Anderson - Pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, told followers he wished Obama dead because of his stance on abortion rights

19. Saul Anuzis - Ex-Chairman of Michigan Republican partry calls Obama's policies "economic fascism"

20. Bill Cunningham - Radio host constantly used Obama's middle name "Hussein" and compared him to Mao, Fidel Castro and Soviet dictors

21. Paul Krugman - Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist calls Obama's economic advisor "tools of Wall Street"

22. John Rich - Half of country music's Big & Rich claimed during the campaign that music legend Johnny Cash would have voted for John McCain

23. Wiley Drake - The Buena Park Calif. pastor said on national radio he's praying for "usurper" Obama "to die"

24. Alex Jones - Maker of the anti-Obama films, The Obama Deception and The Fall of the Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

25. Michelle Malkin - Author of Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, crooks and Cronies

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