Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Now’s the Time to send Mayor Daley and City Hall your Message on Guns
Chicago, IL—Chicagoans had a great civil rights victory in the Supreme Court yesterday. The law abiding people living in the Windy City may now possess and use handguns for self-defense. The days of providing criminals with a population of unarmed and defenseless victims are over.
Law-abiding people throughout the United States have proven to be responsible with their gun rights including the right to carry them. Those perpetrating unlawful gun violence are always the same troublesome criminals we fail to keep locked away.
Chicagoans need not accept Mayor Richard M. Daley’s violence enabling agenda of eliminating meaningful self defense. Above all Daley and their cronies are power hungry politicians that will never risk losing power by angering voters.
The end of the gun ban is the best crime fighting tool Chicago has had in decades. Concealed carry rights would end government sponsored domination criminals have over the people of Illinois.
Daley and the City council of Chicago need to hear from voters demanding that no new gun ordinances be enacted and tell him to stop fighting concealed carry in Illinois. Call Daley and your Alderman today at 312-744-4000 and tell them who you are and what you want, before they violate your civil rights. Of course you will only be able to leave a message. If you don’t call you deserve what you will get, more tyranny.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Things that I found helpful by living this long. The purpose of fighting is to win..
The sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either... The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.
1. Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
2.. If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.
3. I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy.
4. When seconds count, the cops are just minutes away.
5. A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him 'Why do you carry a 45?' The Ranger responded, 'Because they don't make a 46.'
6. The old sheriff was attending an awards dinner when a lady commented on his wearing his sidearm 'Sheriff, I see you have your pistol. Are you expecting trouble?' 'No Ma'am. If I were expecting trouble, I would have brought my shotgun.'
7. Beware the man who only carries one gun. HE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO USE IT!!!
But wait, there's more!
I was once asked by a lady visiting if I had a gun in the house. I said I did. She said 'Well I certainly hope it isn't loaded!' To which I said, of course it is loaded, it can't work without bullets!' She then asked, 'Are you that afraid of someone evil coming into your house?' My reply was, “No not at all I am not afraid of the house catching fire either, but I have fire extinguishers around, and they are all loaded too”.
I'm a firm believer of the 2nd Amendment!
If you are too, please forward..
We are the only country where we have homeless without shelter, children going to bed without eating, elderly going without needed meds, and mentally ill without treatment - yet we have a benefit for the people of Haiti on 12 TV stations, ships and planes lining up with food, water, tents, clothes, bedding, doctors and medical supplies. Imagine if we gave ourselves the same support that we give other countries. I feel bad for them, but I wonder who cares about America ..
99% of people won't have the guts to forward this.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Supreme Court 5-4 in Gun Ban Case - WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND
When it comes to the second amendment there is more to it than just guns. Its has a variety of uses. For some its self defense, target shooting, protection, and there are few that just simply collect. I believe that private gun ownership is the last barrier of this nations security and sovereignty. Gun ownership has nothing to do the violence that plague my Chicago streets. If the State's Attorney Office and the Sheriff did their jobs, maybe there wouldn't be so many career criminals walking out and about. Its time as a community come together and get rid those that bring harm around our kids and the future of the human race. Also lets continue to put our elected officials feet to the fire on the issues. The constitution of The United States of America grants us inalienable rights to live here and practice any religion we want, speak our minds without arrest from the thought police, and defend ourselves. When it comes to private gun ownership just look at countries like Switzerland where they require every household to keep a rifle. We live in such a beautiful country where people are killed everyday just trying to make here so they too can enjoy the same freedoms we do. Then there are others that HATE the freedoms that we have. Some say those that hate our constitution are men in caves plotting to attack the US because they hate our freedoms so much. If that's the case, then our own Mayors, Governors, Congressmen, Senators, and President are beating them to it. We lost too many rights after 9/11, let us honor those that lost their lives by restoring the Constitution. Forget about the 9/12 movement, I want a 9/10 movement.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Right to Carry Meeting!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Aubrey Drake Graham
'Thank Me Later' isn't your typical rap album. As rookie of the year Drake
enters, he brings something that most artist don't bring to the stage,
himself. I commend him on such a bold move, few might be disappointed
that the 23 year old has love on his mind instead of guns, drugs, and
money. Some might have expected the uptempo club bangers just as his
previous singles and collaborations. As No I.D. mentioned in an interview
"Drake is someone who defiantly has something to say." As a music producer/composer, I'm in this industry for longevity. How many artists have came and gone, how many have gave this world REAL ARTISTIC MUSIC. I believe drake is more than rapper as he breaks new boundaries and give a new branch into this world just as Kanye does. We have been too accustomed to the false realities that are fed to us through music, films, and society.
Herbie Hancock - The Imagine Project
Whether Herbie Hancock's newest release, "The Imagine Project," wins the album of the year Grammy Award in 2011 (he received the honor in 2008 for "River: The Joni Letters"), it's certainly eligible for some sort of frequent-flier miles prize. Traveling to multiple countries, Hancock and co-producer Larry Klein assembled an international array of talent to make an obvious but not overbearing statement about unity and world peace. Pink, Seal, India.Arie and Jeff Beck help turn John Lennon's "Imagine" into a rich, Caribbean-flavored chorale, while Los Lobos and Canadian rapper K'Naan join Malian Tuareg troupe Tinariwen on a trancey coupling of the latter's "Tamatant Tilay" with Bob Marley's "Exodus." And Derek Trucks trades licks with Hancock, while Susan Tedeschi sings a gritty, gospelized take on Joe Cocker's "Space Captain." Other key contributions come from Dave Matthews (the Beatles' "Tomorrow Never Knows") and James Morrison (Sam Cooke's "A Change Is Gonna Come"). Amid all this, Hancock holds his own as a visionary and pianist, playing just enough to be present but also serving as a gracious host to his distinguished guests. --Gary Graff
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
More deception from Jody Weis

Chicago Police Supt. Jody Weis said Sunday that citizen complaints against his officers are declining.
Weis said complaints were down 12 percent in 2009 from 2008 and that this year's numbers through May are down 7 percent from the pace of a year ago.
He attributed the decline to better training and performance evaluations, including a system that gives supervisors instant access to complaints lodged against individual officers.
* “There will be no excuses for our supervisors not knowing the activity of their officers,” Weis said at a news conference at police headquarters, 3510 S. Michigan. He also said lawsuits against the department for alleged mistreatment of suspects are down 60 percent year-to-date through April compared with the same period in 2009.
A few questions that media cheerleaders might want to ask J-Fled:
* Manpower - up or down since 2008?
* Street Officers - up or down since 2008?
* Officer Issued Moving Violations - up or down since 2008?
* Officer Issued Parking Violations - up or down since 2008?
* Arrests - up or down since 2008?
* Officer Initiated Streets stops - up or down since 2008?
We'll even give the media a hint - choose "down" for every answer and you'll ace the test. The fact of the matter is that fewer citizen contacts result in fewer complaints against officers:
1. It has nothing to do with training, most of which is 5-minute videos at roll call;
2. it has zero to do with supervisors having "instant access" to complaints against officers since it still has to be investigated and put on paper by supervisors and is all subject to FOP Contract rules and restrictions;
3. it certainly doesn't have anything to do with "performance evaluations," none of which mean anything since it just started this year and hasn't even established a baseline for half the Department yet.
What is happening is a classic example of a phenomenon called "de-policing." But don't take our word for it. Here's someone who noticed it almost two years ago. Anyone who claims otherwise is full of shit - and that includes all the talking heads down at 35th Street.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Illegal immigrants with gang ties targeted in Chicago

More than two dozen illegal immigrants with ties to violent street gangs were arrested in a three-day Chicago-area sweep led by federal immigration officials.
The arrests of 26 people took place Monday through Wednesday as part of a national initiative by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency targeting gang members who are foreign-born, according to a release from the agency.
In total, 22 of those arrested are documented gang members, according to immigration officials. One U.S. citizen also was arrested on a battery and resisting a police officer charge when immigration officials were making another arrest June 14 with Palatine police. Also, three illegal immigrants from Mexico who are not gang members were arrested on administrative immigration violations, according to the release.
Willis Tower windows blown, power out for thousands
Two windows blew out on the 28th and 29th floors of the Willis Tower, causing shards of glass to fall to the plaza below. At another skyline landmark, the Aon Center on East Randolph, chunks of concrete fell from the facade to the sidewalks surrounding the building.
Several other downtown buildings, including the Block 37 development at State and Randolph, also were damaged.
Friday, June 18, 2010
New website arms the world with true facts on guns
Enter the words 'gun control' into the Google search engine and you elicit more than 37 million entries in 0.34 seconds. Enter 'gun control facts' and 1.5 million website options appear.
Yet despite this abundance of web material, accurate information on gun usage and gun control is actually difficult to find on the World Wide Web, according to University of Sydney Adjunct Associate Professor Philip Alpers.
"The web is absolutely littered with opinions, not facts about gun control," says A/Professor Alpers, who has been researching the true state of gun control globally for the past 15 years. "Website content is very polarised, very heated, and it can be really difficult for people to navigate which sites are run by vested interests and which are truly trying to present the whole picture."
Senators introduce bill that would allow US to disconnect the Internet
By John Byrne
Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), along with one Republican and Democratic senator, introduced a bill late last week that would allow the President to effectively disconnect the internet by emergency decree.
The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act would allow the President to disconnect Internet networks and force private websites to comply with broad cybersecurity measures.
Future US presidents would have their Internet "kill switch" powers renewed indefinitely.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Gun ruling may trigger new legal fights

As Chicago awaits a U.S. Supreme Court ruling this month that could overturn its 28-year-old handgun ban, City Hall is considering a host of countermeasures that might set off another round of legal fights with gun advocates.
In an interview with the Tribune, Mayor Richard Daley acknowledged an uphill battle against the gun industry, which he described as the most powerful lobby in the United States. Even so, he vowed that in the event residents are allowed to have handguns at home, the city would take steps to ensure that officials can account for the weapons.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Why the United States Will Default on Its Debt
June 15, 2010
Doug McIntosh
It is clear to me the issue of a United States debt default is not a fringe topic anymore. Even two or three years ago, if you brought the subject up you would consigned to the outer limits of acceptable economic views. In fact, you would have been viewed as the economic version of someone who thought the earth was flat. This is no longer the case. Since the Obama administration seems intent on running 1.5 Trillion federal deficits yearly, reasonable people can safely ask "How does the USA intend to pay this debt off?" Given the recent comments by Chinese officials, as well as the less than stellar performance of recent US Treasury bond auctions, it would seem a US government debt default is causing concern. Being a long standing howling voice in the wilderness on debt issues, I am glad others are finally starting to see what I saw several years ago.
Helen Thomas: an Appreciation
Paul Craig Roberts
June 16, 2010
The propagandists for the Israel Lobby, who occupy the Wall Street Journal editorial page while pretending to be journalists, are determined to remove Helen Thomas from the annals of journalism. In case you have already forgotten, a few days ago the distinguished career of Helen Thomas, the 89-year-old doyen of the White House Press Corps, was ended by the Israel Lobby, which made an issue about her opinion that immigrant Jews should leave Palestine and go back to their home countries.
The White House Correspondents’ Association fell in line with the demands of the Israel Lobby, and the cowardly president of the organization added the association’s disapprobation to that of the neoconservative cabal.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Better Weapon: Gun or Vomit?
When Tyler Wilfley, 19, of Downs, was accused of throwing vomit at an officer, the idea seemed as laughable as it was disgusting.
But concealed vomit is actually considered a weapon by the state police.
"It may sound disgusting, but putting your fingers into you (sic) throat and making yourself vomit usually gets results," says the Illinois State Police website.
The recommendation and that's making some women mad. Just ask Valinda Rowe.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Chicago area to host 5 days of emergency drills

The Illinois National Guard and local police, fire and transit departments are organizing a five-day series of drills set to test the Chicago-area's emergency procedures in response to numerous simultaneous disasters, officials said today in a statement.
The drills are set to start today and last until Thursday.
"It is a full-scale exercise, so residents can expect to see emergency responders looking and acting as if this was a real homeland security/domestic response mission," according a National Guard statement.
Officials said Toyota Park in southwest suburban Bridgeview will serve as a staging area for the exercise, while the Salvation Army in Elk Grove Village will serve as command centers.
The exercises will include:
* Sunday: The simulated crash in Oak Lawn of a jet on its way to Midway Airport.
* Tuesday: The takedown of a simulated methamphetamine lab at Green Street and York Road in Bensenville.
* Wednesday: Several simulated terrorist attacks in the Bensenville area. At some time between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m., the CTA will conduct a train evacuation at 15th and Clark Streets due to a simulated explosion.
* Thursday: Another takedown in the Bensenville area and a simulated chemical explosion at a plant on Chicago's Southwest Side.
The Illinois National Guard and local police, fire and transit departments are organizing a five-day series of drills set to test the Chicago-area's emergency procedures in response to numerous simultaneous disasters, officials said today in a statement.
The drills are set to start today and last until Thursday.
"It is a full-scale exercise, so residents can expect to see emergency responders looking and acting as if this was a real homeland security/domestic response mission," according a National Guard statement.
Officials said Toyota Park in southwest suburban Bridgeview will serve as a staging area for the exercise, while the Salvation Army in Elk Grove Village will serve as command centers.
The exercises will include:
* Sunday: The simulated crash in Oak Lawn of a jet on its way to Midway Airport.
* Tuesday: The takedown of a simulated methamphetamine lab at Green Street and York Road in Bensenville.
* Wednesday: Several simulated terrorist attacks in the Bensenville area. At some time between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m., the CTA will conduct a train evacuation at 15th and Clark Streets due to a simulated explosion.
* Thursday: Another takedown in the Bensenville area and a simulated chemical explosion at a plant on Chicago's Southwest Side.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Touring Logistics – Quick Tips and Advice
by Jake Hartsfield
Jake Hartsfield is a songwriter, producer, touring sound engineer and a member of the TuneCore Marketing Team.
Been planning for your first big tour? Or your second, or third? Tour managing can be a lot of work – especially if you are responsible for an entire band. You have to think about routing, advancing shows, traveling arrangements, transporting gear, and how to pack. Here is a helpful guide to planning for a tour that will get you started – or at least thinking along the right lines.
When booking a tour, you want to try to route your trip so that you have the least amount of driving between gigs as possible. A good fluid tour with minimal transit time can help save on gas money and be much more manageable, especially if you don’t have a designated tour driver who can drive through the night.
Advance All Your Shows
This is the single most important aspect of touring (besides booking the shows in the first place). When you advance a show, you talk to the promoter, the venue, and/or the production manager. You usually work out the following details:
Friday, June 11, 2010
Herbie Handock: The Imagine Project
Herbie Hancock's Imagine Project is an unprecedented international recording and film project featuring collaborations between music legend Herbie Hancock and a dozen superstars from every region of the planet. It utilizes the universal language of music to express its central themes of peace and global responsibility. The album combines Herbie's genre defying musical vision with the local musical identities of cultures from around the world.
Track Listing
* 1. Imagine (Featuring Pink, Seal, India Arie & Jeff Beck)
* 2. Don t Give Up (Featuring Pink and John Legend)
* 3. Tempo De Amor (Featuring Ceu)
* 4. Space Captain (Featuring Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks)
* 5. The Times, They Are A Changin (Featuring The Chieftains and Lisa Hannigan)
* 6. La Tierra (Featuring Juanes)
* 7. Tamitant Tilay/Exodus (Featuring K Naan and Los Lobos)
* 8. Tomorrow Never Knows (Featuring Dave Matthews)
* 9. A Change is Gonna Come (Featuring James Morrison)
* 10. The Songs Goes On (Featuring Chaka Khan, Anoushka Shankar and Wayne Shorter)
Release Date: June 22, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Music Industry on Verge of Total Collapse
Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke is warning the music industry is on the brink of collapse, insisting young musicians should resist signing record deals because the major labels will “completely fold” within months.
The British rockers broke away from their longtime label, EMI, in 2007 and went on to embrace the new digital era with the release their seventh album, In Rainbows, which they offered up over the internet and allowed fans to choose the price.
Yorke has now issued a warning to upcoming artists, urging them not to sign traditional record deals because they would be tying themselves to “the sinking ship.”
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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